Nanach for the Nations

It is my personal belief, that nanach has much to offer the whole world. Jew, gentile and noahide alike. I want to bring it to the world. This is the goal of this blog. While I believe nanach is for the whole world, Jew and gentile alike, I believe
simply being a noahide is not a end in itself.. We should not simply just be happy with were we are spirtually, but strive constantly to reach higher levels. Rebbe Nachman even pleas to hashem "To merit to be a real Jew", this should be all our goals. As noahides gentiles, or if you don't like those terms, simply nanachs... We should constantly strive for higher levels spiritually. Never being satisfied with were we are. May we all merit to be Jews, and more then that, tzaddiks! Because after all it is the heart G-d wants. nn!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Goal of this Site/General Introduction to this site.

"And upon you I said my fire will burn until Messiah is coming be strong and courageous in your devotion Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman"...
-The Petek-
Ok so the goal of this site as stated in my sub title is to bring nanach to the world. How do I intend to do this? Well I plan to right many lessons on here based from the teachings of nanach. And how they apply to the everyday non Jew.
To provide links to connect to all nanachs sites, for information, music, clothes, videos etc...
If anyone has questions to anything at all I post, or simply just a question. You can email me here And I will be glad to answer any questions. Anything I do not have answer to I can get the one you need.
Also I would like to state here my view of simply being a noahide/ or nanach noahide.... Simply it is a wonderful thing. It is the heart the God wants. While I believe nanach is for the whole world, Jew and gentile alike, I believe simply being a noahide is not a end in itself.. We should not simply just be happy with were we are spirtually, but strive constantly to reach higher levels. Rebbe Nachman even pleas to hashem "To merit to be a real Jew", this should be all our goals. As noahides gentiles, or if you don't like those terms, simply nanachs...
God be with us all...
blessing of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman.

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